Have you ever been asked to sacrifice your life for the others? Have you ever been forced to make a decision that will cause the life of a loved one? Just last night my daughter had asked me to watch a short film (
Most the Bridge) about a man who was forced to sacrifice his son to save the passengers in the train from meeting an accident. As I have watched the film which only runs for 33 minutes, I really felt so sad and had a hard time imagining myself as the father. This movie really brought tears into my eyes. It reminds me of the love of God to the mankind that He gave His son to save us from death through His own blood. I was left with a question that if I were the father would I do the same thing? My daughter asked me who will I save? After a minute of silence, I said that I am not God nor a hero to sacrifice my son, after all will they care about me & my son? I may sound selfish but I do not want to regret it all my life losing a loved one over people who do not care a bit. But I realized that God wants us to be Christians and sacrifice our life for others. It's really hard to follow Jesus. We need to have a great faith in God.Truly, only God can do that, but as God commanded as to be like him it would really take a great faith to do such. This film has definitely brought tears to my eyes. If anyone doubts GOD'S Love, he should think about it the way they portrayed it here. (see
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